Water Weight -Normally, at the beginning of a new diet, people lose water weight fast. This causes the false sensation that the new diet will be amazing, because as they weight themselves, they will see something like 15 pounds being lost in just a few days.
In reality, it was the water weight that was lost, not the fat. However, this does feel amazing and it makes you feel and look better in a very short amount of time. You will notice that by losing excess water weight, you will appear slimmer and more ripped.
It’s a great way to feel good about yourself and to look good enough for any upcoming events. Some of these methods I use before going to the beach because they make my abs show very quickly.
To lose fat requires a long time and determination, but losing excess water weight can give you amazing results very quickly and it is not as hard as losing body fat.
How do you know if it's water weight?
Our bodies are composed of about 80% water and, therefore, it is possible to lose excessive water weight overnight very easily. The level of water in our bodies fluctuates greatly, depending on our daily activities and diets.
How To Lose Water Weight?
By consuming a particular diet that is aimed at shedding water weight, it is possible to lose four pounds in just one day. It is very fast. The bad thing about this is that it is just as easy to gain these pounds back. But if you keep on a constant diet, it is possible to keep the weight off.
Ways To Lose Water Weight
1. Cardio Workout.
One of the most important factors in losing water weight is practicing cardio exercises. By engaging in a cardio workout, your heart rate will increase, which will make you burn more fat.
Cardio workouts can also help you burn more calories. This will aid in the elimination of any excess liquid or toxins in your body and improving your health.
Cardio workouts should last between 30 and 60 minutes at the most. If you workout for longer than 60 minutes, it is likely that your cortisol levels will increase and this will make losing weight a lot harder.
2. Decrease Sodium Intake.
Consuming salt is known to increase water retention. People who consume high sodium diets generally feel bloated and can feel an increase in weight and in measurements. The reason for this is that water molecules become attracted to sodium.
This is very bad, since sodium is present in most foods. This does not mean you should eliminate salt from your diet. Because it helps balance your electrolytes, salt is essential for keeping your organs functioning properly.
However, you must limit your daily sodium intake because eating too much sodium will cause you to feel bloated and will almost certainly cause you to gain weight.
3. Eat Protein, Foods Rich In Fiber And Control Daily Intake Of Sugar.
Sugar is the devil in every diet. If your diet has a high intake of sugar, you will increase the storage of fat in your body. Also, sugar contains a lot of calories. This has many negative effects, such as increasing cellulite.
It is strongly advised that you replace sugary foods with high fiber and protein foods. Protein is a major factor in building muscle. This will increase your metabolism and will help you burn excess fat.
Foods that are high in fiber will help you increase the efficiency of your digestive system, which is a very important factor in helping you lose weight.
4. Be sure to drink plenty of water.
This may sound funny at first because this post is about losing water weight. However, in order to lose excess water weight, it is necessary to drink recommended amounts of daily liquid.
It is even more important to drink water if you exercise daily, since you will have to avoid dehydration. Maintaining your body hydrated is one of the most important factors in helping you lose weight, as it keeps your organs functioning properly.
If you consume little water during the day, your organism will fight in order to keep hydrated and hold on to every little amount of water it can have access to. If you keep your body properly hydrated, it will be able to shed excess water and still function properly.
5. Consume Natural Diuretics.
There is an abundance of foods that are great for helping you to lose excess water weight or body fat. If you add these to your diet, you will certainly feel better on a daily basis.
There are some fruits and vegetables that are amazing natural diuretics and antioxidants.
Some examples include:
- Ginger
- Fennel
- Garlic
- Parsley
It is also very important that you add oats, apple cider vinegar, green tea, carrots and lemon juice into your daily diet and make it a habit of consuming these.
Great Diuretic Drink
One of the best diuretic drinks you can have is the losing weight water recipe recipe below:
- 1 Gallon of Distilled Water
- 4 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
- 2 Tablespoons of Pure Cranberry Juice
- 2 Dandelion Root Teabags
6. Decrease Cortisol Levels.
The psychological factor in losing weight is vastly underappreciated. For example, stress is known to increase cortisol levels, which is a hormone that is directly associated with the increase in fat storage.
It is much easier to lose weight if you are not stressed out and feel relaxed on a daily basis. You should consider doing some activities that decrease stress levels, such as meditating, watching comedy movies, reading a book, going to the beach.
If you follow these steps outlined above, you will certainly lose excess water weight and have a killer appearance in a very short time.
It is important to note that if you don’t have excess water weight, you will not see great results with the tips given above. If that is your case, you should consider some other routines to lose fat that are talked about on this website.