Lower belly fat loss is not just about going to the gym or beginning a diet. If you came here after searching for "how to get rid of belly fat" or "the best way to lose belly fat," or even "How to lose lower belly fat," you're not the only one.
The reality is that for many of these people, because stubborn belly fat (especially difficult-to-lose lower belly fat) can be a source of insecurity.
What is the cause of lower belly fat?
Poor diet, insufficient or poor-quality sleep, and a lack of exercise are all potential causes. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle can help people lose excess belly fat and reduce their risk of health problems that come with it.
There are a lot of supplements out there and pills alike that are advertised as magic, but a lot of them will not work. There are few that do work without side effects and that are accessible your pockets and others work but have nasty side effects.
Why is it hard to get rid of lower belly fat?
Lower belly fat loss is one of the most difficult aspects of fat loss in your body. This is because the fat cells which accumulate all over your belly are identified as 'beta' fat cells, because they are extremely difficult to change.
How To Lose Lower Belly Fat Naturally?
Don't worry, I've written about eight natural ways to lose lower belly fat here. These are tips that you can take with you for the rest of your life. Lets begin and make you look sharp!
8 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Lower Belly Fat.
1. Good Night’s Sleep.
One of the most essential things you can do for your health is to get enough sleep. Rest is required for your body to operate effectively, as well as for good chemical reactions to occur.
Several studies have found a strong link between sleep and visceral fat. In general, those who sleep for 5 hours or less accumulate twice as much visceral fat as those who sleep for 6 hours or more, according to research.
In addition, additional studies has revealed that when you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that promotes hunger and leads directly to belly fat accumulation.
2. Do Whole Body Excersises.
I used to think that whole body exercises would not make me gain anything. Wrong! They are complete. They make you stronger, they make you lose weight, and they make you healthier in general. The feeling you get after doing whole body exercises is amazing.
This type of training will help you (HIIT is great):
- Lose a lot more calories.
- Improve cardiovascular health.
- Increase calories burned.
Many studies show that your metabolism greatly increases after a full body workout and while you rest, you will burn a lot more calories than normally. This study shows that this calorie burning effect can last up to 2 days, which will definitely help you to lose belly fat.
3. Eat Loads Of Protein.
Protein is the foundation of building muscles. You will not gain muscle if you do not eat protein. As simple as that. You can work out all you want, but with no protein, there are no muscle gains.
Protein is necessary for muscle growth, but what about shedding lower belly fat? Protein is related to losing lower belly fat due to the following: Growth of Muscle: If we look at the amount of calories burned by our bodies, muscle burns a lot more than fat (three times as much).
What does this mean? This means that if I add 10 pounds of muscle I will burn three times as much fat at rest than if I add 10 pounds of fat to my body.
Digestion: A lot of energy is used by our digestive system in order to process food. This correlates to the amount of calories we burn while we are resting. Since protein is harder to digest, our digestive system will need more energy to digest it than fat.
This means that by eating more protein, more calories are burned while we rest. Another benefit from eating protein is that fat is not stored in your belly by eating it, unlike carbohydrates.
4.Eat Food Rich In Fibers.
Healthy Food, Foods high in fiber, such as beans, have very positive effects on you and can help you lose belly fat. Often times, food gets trapped inside your digestive track and this causes fat to be stored directly inside your organism.
Fiber is used to clean your digestive track and release fat from your system. This way, you will lose your belly fat and feel a lot better. Also, if you eat a good amount of fiber daily, the amount of energy that is produced by sugar decreases.
For example, if you eat a banana, which contains a lot of sugar, and you don't eat enough fiber, your body will absorb all of the sugar and give you a sugar high. This, however, is only temporary.
After that, you will feel tired and hungrier right away due to the sudden drop in the levels of sugar. If you eat a lot of fiber, though, this will not happen and you will have much more balanced energy levels throughout the day.
5. Consume a lot of green tea.
As well as being very tasty, this green tea is known as a superfood to aid you in losing belly fat. A lot of the compounds that are present in green tea help you lose weight, such as ECGC and polyphenols.
These compounds help increase your metabolism, which makes you burn more weight and lose belly fat. This is awesome, but just drinking green tea is not enough to get rid of belly fat.
Studies show that drinking this type of tea increases fat burning by 4%, though they do not specify how much is required to drink it. I recommend drinking 2 to 3 cups per day in order to reap the benefits of increasing your metabolism.
6. Don’t Be Scared of Healthy Fats.
People have a tendency to believe that everything is bad. This is not true. There are fats that are considered healthy and that you should definitely include in your diet.
A really good diet includes healthy lipids. Fried stuff and chocolate are not healthy, though. There are healthy fats in the following foods, for example:
- Avocadoes
- Olive oil
- Coconut oil
- Nuts
- Peanut butter
Fats that are healthy are not saturated. Your organism needs these fats to function correctly. They are responsible for making sure your body absorbs vitamins and nutrients properly.
Studies have shown that people that consume unsaturated fats get rid of belly fat more than others. This is because foods with healthy fats are generally higher quality than others.
7. Eat Diuretics To Lose Excess Water Weight.
Our bodies are largely made up of water. If you don’t eat correctly, your body may retain large amounts of water and liquid, which will make you bloated and feel heavier.
If you want to look ripped or feel better quickly, you should try some natural diuretics. Before I tell you what to eat, remember the following:
Cardio/Run, Drink a lot of water, Eat protein, Consume moderate amounts of sugar and salt. If you have this foundation, you can now move on and add some specific foods that are natural diuretics to your diet.
Tea, Parsley, Coffee, Garlic, Ginger, Lemons, Pineapples, Fennel, Spinach, Asparagus, Beets and Lettuce.
Eating these natural diuretic foods, you will be able to get rid of water weight in your body that makes you feel bloated and look heavier. It will be gone.
8. Motivation Is Key.
All this information is useless if you are not motivated to lose your belly fat and live a healthier life.
The worst part is that we expect really quick results. If we don’t see results quickly, we think what we are doing is useless and lose our motivation. The truth is, it will take a while.
You have to break habits and train hard. It is not easy. You have to do everything right and follow a routine and a schedule to get rid of the lower belly fat. If you do everything the right way, no doubt you will begin to see positive results.
If you don’t actually see any positive results in the first months but feel better, keep going at it. If you don’t feel better and don’t see any results, it is better to go and see a doctor to make sure there aren’t any medical issues interfering with the results.
Remember to stay focused on your goals and never give up!