Bloated Stomach, How To Get Rid Of Bloating Belly Fast?

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Bloating belly is when your belly feels swollen or very full, normally after you eat. This is usually caused by an unusual amount of gas production, but it can also be caused by digestive system anomalies.

A bloated stomach symptom is that your stomach becomes bigger and it can cause a lot of discomfort. If you happen to have this, it is important that you research how to get rid of a bloating belly quickly, because it can be a terrible situation. This is why I am writing this post.

What Causes Bloating In The Stomach?

A lot of times, bloating is a sort of placebo effect. You may feel like you have a bloated stomach when, in reality, you don’t.

A bloated stomach is a very common condition that is usually caused by a poor diet or an intolerance to certain foods. However, sometimes this can also be caused by medical conditions, although they are rare.

How To Get Rid Of A Bloated Stomach In 24 Hours?

I've broken down tried-and-true methods for how to get rid of a bloating belly quickly, so you can get back to living your life.

10 Bloated Stomach Remedies You Can Try

1. Control how much you eat at once

This is one of the most common causes of a bloated belly. Although it may appear overly simple, it is the leading cause of bloating and discomfort. If after you eat a meal, you feel discomfort, you should begin eating portions that are smaller in size.

It might help to eat more small meals throughout the day. A lot of times, bloating can occur simply because the person has more sensitivity in the stomach.

If you often feel bloated, the first step you should try is to eat smaller portions of food at a time and see if that makes an immediate difference.

2. Check if you have any food intolerance

Food intolerance is very common. A lot of people have food allergies but don’t know about them.

If you eat foods that you are intolerant of, a very common symptom is the creation of excess gas and bloating.

Lactose, fructose, eggs, wheat, and gluten are some of the most common food allergies and intolerances.

If you feel very bloated and you eat some of these foods regularly, try not eating any of these for a week or so and see if your situation improves. Either way, it is important to see a doctor so that you can get a better diagnosis.

3. Try not to swallow too much air or gas

There are different types of gases which can be produced in your stomach.
The first is the gas that is created by bacteria in your stomach.

The other is the excess air or gas that you swallow and consume, mostly when you eat or drink. Soda and carbonated drinks are the main foods that contribute to excess gas production in the gut.

Carbonated drinks contribute a lot to bloating because they contain carbon dioxide, which is released into your stomach and causes swelling.

Other things that can contribute to bloating and swallowing excess air could be things like chewing gum, eating fast, not chewing enough, drinking through straws, smoking, etc.

4. Avoid foods that cause gas

There are certain foods that are known to produce a lot of gas. A lot of foods that are high in fiber do so. Legumes are very gassy foods, especially beans. A lot of whole grain foods are gassy as well.

It is very helpful to keep a log of what you eat to try and distinguish what foods may give you gas or not. Eating fewer beans, whole grains, and fatty foods will certainly help you get rid of a bloating belly quickly.

5. Avoid Sugar Alcohols

Sugar free foods and chewing gum have a lot of sugar alcohols and contribute a lot to a bloated stomach. Sweeteners are considered to be better alternatives to sugar, but that can be a mistake.

Artificial sweeteners can cause a lot of digestive problems because they feed the bacteria in your intestine, which make these produce more gas than usual.

6. Look for Taking Digestive Enzyme Supplements.

To avoid being bloated and get rid of bloating belly quickly, there are a lot of OTC drugs that can help. There are enzyme supplements that will help you digest certain tough carbohydrates.

Some of the most popular of these are:

  • Lactase is an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of lactose, which is extremely beneficial for people who are lactose intolerant.
  • Beans will help break down carbohydrates that are hard to digest.
Your local pharmacy will certainly have some of these and you should definitely give them a try as they will most likely make a difference for you. Try some of these remedies if you want to know how to get rid of a bloated stomach quickly.

7. Avoid constipation.

Being constipated is one of the most common problems with your digestive system. Studies show that being constipated may cause bloating belly. Consuming soluble fiber is a very good way of avoiding constipation and, consequently, bloating. 

However, you should be careful when starting to consume more fiber because, as stated before in this post, fiber can increase the amount of gas produced in your stomach.

Magnesium supplementation is known to be great for constipation, as this study shows. Also, engaging in physical activity helps avoid constipation.

8. Eat a Probiotics Pill Bottle wrapped in Measuring Tape.

As stated before, bacteria in your intestines produce gas that can be a major factor in bloating. Depending on the person, there can be a lot of different types of these bacteria in your organism.

The amount and types of bacteria in your intestines directly contribute to the production of gas and bloating. According to research, probiotic supplements can help you reduce the amount of gas you produce as well as reduce bloating in your stomach quickly.

Of course, depending on the person, probiotic supplements may have an effect on the reduction of bloating. Probiotics not only help with bloating, but they can also have a variety of other health benefits, so they should be consumed on a regular basis.

It is important to note that probiotic supplements may take a week or more to actually reduce your bloating belly.

9. Try Peppermint Oil

Your muscles in your digestive system may also play a big part in bloating belly. To regulate these muscles, peppermint oil can really help in alleviating bloating.

If you have never tried peppermint oil, you definitely should as it may make a big difference for your digestive system. You can find peppermint oil in your local pharmacy or supplement stores as well.

10. Consult A Doctor To Discard A Disorder.

If none of the above tips on how to reduce bloating quickly work, it is critical that you see a doctor to rule out any chronic disorders that may be causing you problems.

It can be hard to diagnose any digestive disorder, which is why you should consult a good professional and check yourself constantly.

However, as previously stated, most cases of bloating belly can be eliminated or reduced by simply changing your diet. For example, if you want to lose weight, you should start eating healthy foods and learn which foods are best food for weight loss.

Hope that can help you, feel free to comment and share this post. Have a wonderful day!


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