Important Nutrition Facts You Should Know | The Latest Nutrition Related Topics, Nutrition Facts, you need to know this nutrition facts, nutrition facts you should know,

Nutrition Facts - There are a lot of misconceptions and myths when it comes to nutrition Facts. Even major news channels are known to propagate misleading information regarding Nutrition Facts.

What are three facts about nutrition?

Not only that, but I've compiled a list of Interesting Nutrition Facts. I have separated some Nutrition facts that are well known facts and everybody should know about.

15 Interesting Nutrition Facts List

1. Artificial Trans Fats Should Be Avoided At All Costs.

Trans fats are horrible for your health. In order to produce trans fats, you need high levels of pressure, heat and hydrogen gas using a metal catalyst. Through this process alone, you can get a picture of how bad this is for you.

It should not taste like any other food you consume. In recent years, this has become widely known, but not all foods are trans fat free and not all people make a habit of watching out for them.

There are numerous studies which show the terrible side effects trans fats can give you, one of the worst being the great increase in the risk of having heart diseases.

2. Eating Every 3 Hours To Lose Weight Is A Myth.

The notion that in order to lose weight you have to eat every 3 hours is very popular. However, this is untrue. 

There are many studies, which show that eating smaller meals every 3 hours has no effect on losing weight or burning fat.

Eating every 3 hours is not only unnecessary, but it is very annoying and can be very frustrating. It doesn’t matter with what frequency you eat. If you are hungry, eat. All you have to do is eat healthy foods.

3. Don’t Trust Major Media For Information Regarding Nutrition.

The mainstream media is part of the reason for all the nutrition facts confusion out there. With new studies and results being shown every single day, which are the opposite of other studies shown in the past, it is very easy to be misinformed.

Normally, the mainstream media has an agenda behind everything they say, so beware. If you see a headline claiming something amazing, you should probably check out the sources and read about an actual study.

4. Meat Is Not Bad For Your Colon.

I was shocked when I first heard about it. After asking around and researching, I actually found this was sort of common knowledge among a lot of people. Our organisms are very well capable of absorbing all the good nutrients found in this food.

Stomach acids and digestive enzymes break down all the protein contained in the meat and all protein, fat and nutrients are taken from the digestive system to the body. It is not bad for your colon.

5. An Egg Is One Of The Best Foods You Can Have.

Due to their high levels of cholesterol, a lot of people think they are bad for you and end up avoiding their consumption. Actually, eggs are very good for you. The cholesterol found in eggs is not bad for you. Many studies have shown this.

Thousands of studies have shown that eggs have no effect on heart disease. The yolk of an egg is one of the most complete foods you will find. You will find almost all the nutrition needed for your body in an egg yolk.

6. Sugar Loaded Drinks Contribute The Most To Gaining Weight In Modern Diets.

Excess sugar is one of the worst villains to humans in our modern society. When you drink sugar, your brain does not get full of the calories that you have just drank, which in turn makes you eat a lot more calories.

In fact, the junk food that causes the most weight gain is sugar-sweetened beverages, such as Soda Pops or whatever you want to call them.

Stay away from these drinks.

7. Avoid Low Fat Diets.

The low fat diet fad is one of the worst that has ever been invented. This fad created a horrible trend. The market became full of low fat products, which in turn had a lot of sugar added to them to increase their flavor.

Fruits and other foods that have low fat naturally are good for you, but you should not eat processed low fat foods. You should also not try any low fat diets.

8. Fruit Juice Is Very Similar To Soft Drinks.

When you think of fruit juice, you immediately think it is healthy because it comes from a fruit. However, most fruit juices have as much sugar as soft drinks.

These juices have no fiber and since they are liquid, they are very easy to ingest. One cup of orange juice has as much sugar as eating 2 entire oranges.

The small amounts of antioxidants compared to the huge amounts of sugar doesn’t really add up. If you want to avoid sugar, you should not drink fruit juice.

9. Take Care Of Your Intestinal Flora.

We have more intestinal flora, or bacteria in the intestines than actual human cells. In fact, we have 10 times as much.

Studies have been showing frequently that the amount and types of intestinal bacteria you have are directly related to many health issues such as weight and brain function.

It is very important to feed these bacteria and keep them healthy. The best foods for this are foods that contain high soluble fiber. It is very common and may be more practical to buy soluble fiber in powder form and add it to your food daily.

10. Cholesterol Is Not Bad For You.

The majority of people think they are talking about cholesterol, when in reality they are talking about something else. The good and bad cholesterol that people talk about are actually the proteins that act as a vehicle for cholesterol.

What increases the risk of heart disease are the lipoproteins that are responsible for carrying the cholesterol and not the actual cholesterol.

11. Health Is Not Only About How Much You Weight.

Weight is the main reason people tend to look at to see if they’re healthy or not. But that is not the only factor. There are overweight people that have a healthy metabolism and skinny people with problems in the metabolism that are associated with obese people.

It can be a bad idea to think that in order to improve your health you merely need to lose weight. You can improve your health and be healthier without changing weight. The different areas in which fat accumulate are more important than the total body weight.

Abdominal fat is the worst type, as it is associated with problems in the metabolism, as you can see in google. Before you think of reducing total body weight, you should focus on belly fat first.

12. Don’t Obsess Over Counting Calories.

For example, obesity is when you have an excess of calories in your body which are turned into body fat. However, you should not make it an obsession to count how many calories you eat.

This can be very frustrating. There are some things you can do to counter this and control your calorie intake, for example, increasing your protein intake.

13. Don’t Eat High Carb Diets If You Have High Blood Sugar Levels Or Type II Diabetes.

People with Type II diabetes will see a huge increase in blood sugar levels if they eat carbs because of their resistance to insulin, which is why they need to take medicine to counteract this.

However, diabetic patients can benefit from a low carb diet. This study shows that 95% of patients with diabetes that were on a low carb diet for 6 months were able to decrease or stop their blood sugar medication.

If you have diabetes, do not try and begin a high carb diet, despite what a lot of sources say.

14. Junk Food Is Addictive.

We are eating more food than ever before. These processed foods are often made with chemicals and formulations made for your brain to feel happy after you eat them, this way selling more.

Some people can become addicted to certain foods because of this and may start consuming these foods in very large quantities and very often.

15. Avoid Refined Vegetable Oil.

Vegetable oils, in the same way as soybean, corn and canola oils, are concentrated from seeds utilizing harsh handling routines. 

These oils contain a lot of Omega-6 unsaturated fats, which are organically dynamic and people never ate them in such huge quantities in our evolution process. 

Studies demonstrate that these oils can result in oxidative stretch and make the LDL lipoproteins in the body oxidized, possibly increasing heart disease risk.

That's are all 15 interesting nutrition facts List you should know. 

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