Today, I will tell you Killer Ab Workouts you can do by using some calisthenic moves. Using only pull bar and weights, yap your own body weight.
Want to find out a Best ab workout routine?
Calisthenics are a form of exercise which use only your body weight and rhythmic moves with the goal of building, strengthening and toning your muscles.
Have you noticed how Olympic gymnasts have amazing bodies?
Most incredible in their physique is their abs. Calisthenic exercises demand that you use your core strength a lot. This means you need to use your abdominal strength. This is the main reason why gymnasts have ripped abs. We can take this principal and get ripped abs as well.
This Killer Routine only requires a pull bar!
If you don’t have one at home, go to a park and try these exercises out. You will never want to do regular ab workout routines again. Try to do all 4 cycles of all the repetitions here. It may be very hard at first, but don’t worry and don’t give up.
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If you can do only 1 cycle, keep at it until you can do 4 cycles and then you can move on to other workouts. The goal here is to progress. As you progress, you gain more strength. It is very important that you use the correct form for all of these exercises.
6 Killer Ab Workouts Routine
Don’t fool yourself and use bad form just to get more reps, as you might hurt yourself and you will not work out the muscles correctly.
1. Front Lever Swings.
This is a great core exercise. You will feel your abs burn right away and will definitely want to come back to this one every time.
2. V-Ups.
I prefer doing V-ups on parallel bars, but so you can get the general feel of this exercise, I am showing you this example on the floor. After you feel comfortable doing it on the floor you can go ahead and do it on parallel bars.
3. Hanging Leg Raises.
This is by far one of the best ab exercises available. It is so effective and so fun to do, it is one of my favorites.
4. L-sit To Bent Arm Handstand.
This is a great exercise for your core and abs. It might be kind of difficult to do at first, but again, don’t worry. Do as many as you can and remember that the goal is to progress and become better at it, one step at a time.
5. Plank.
Planking is also a best ab workouts and great for core as well. It is fairly simple, but you’ll be surprised at how effective it is.
6. Back Lever.
This exercise can be challenging as well, but it is very fun once you get the hang of it. It is also an amazing core exercise.
Be careful not to hurt yourself doing this exercise though, as this can be very easy to do.
Repeat the exercises!
So I hope you all liked this 6 Killer Ab Workout Routine I just showed you largely based on Calisthenics.
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If you do this correctly, you will certainly feel the burn and the pain the next day. Do this often, and you will see results very quickly.
Since most of these exercises are great for the core, you will feel stronger as well and you will feel like you have better posture.